
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Body Language Expert Reveals Facts About Kim & Kanye's Romance

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West just had a child together and as one of the most high-profile couples in the country, they appear to have it all — but their body language says something very different.
According to Dr. Lillian Glass, internationally renown body language expert and author of The Body Language of Liars, West and Kardashian are not happy with each other.
“Kim and Kanye may claim they have a loving relationship, but their body language tells a whole different story,” Dr. Glass told Radar.
“Kim, who loves the press attention, is never seen smiling around Kanye. In fact, she looks sad. On the occasion she does try to eek out a smile, it is not genuine.”

But it’s not just Kim — Dr. Glass says West’s body language is equally as telling.
“Kanye usually looks away or in the opposite direction when he is near Kim,” Dr. Glass said.
“He doesn’t stand close to her and often looks preoccupied and disconnected from her.”
And as a couple, Dr. Glass thinks there are no signs of affection and neither of them appear happy.
“They often lean away from one another, which is not a great sign, and there are no signs of affection between them,” she said.
“They don’t seem happy to be around one another.”
Do you think Kim and Kanye are happy together? Sound off in comments below…

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