
Monday, 7 October 2013

Meet 'Tim Friede' Man IMMUNE to Deadly Snake Venom

 An American man claims to have built up an immunity to snake venom - and was so confident he allowed a deadly black mamba to bite him.
Tim Friede says he has built up a tolerance to the venom of some of the world's most poisonous snakes - after subjecting himself to 100 bites and injections.

The unemployed former factory worker has now released pictures that show him taking - and surviving - a bite from a water cobra and insists he has done the same with one of the world's most deadly snakes, the black mamba.

The venom from a black mamba would ordinarily kill anyone within 20 minutes but the 45-year-old shows hardly any ill effects and believes the ordeals he is putting himself through will help develop anti-venoms for the third-world.

However, he does suffer side-effects, including anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause death through serious swelling and breathing difficulties.

The pictures show Friede's swollen hand, which is caused by his own anti-bodies attacking his body.

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